Monday, September 2, 2013

Thing #1

     Out of all the life long learning habits the easiest for me would be using technology to my advantage. Technology has always been the easiest for me to grasp after I am taught how to use it. When I am given the chance to use it to make my job easier I love to use it. The hardest life long learning habit for me would be having confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. Studying and learning has always been hard for me and I tend to get frustrated easily when I don't get something I am being taught especially when its a subject I don't like and have a difficult time grasping. When I am learning or studying it takes me longer to focus and not become frustrated with myself. 
      I would love to learn a lot more about Web 2.0 and the tools involved to understand it. I have never really used Web 2.0 tools before and I would like to understand the tools involved and what it entails. Blogs are really the only Web 2.0 example I have and so far it hasn't been too bad. Setting it up has been fairly straight forward and relatively easy. I have enjoyed the process of setting up my blog and would love to learn how to set up more interactive aspects to my blog and any other tools involved. Its been a lot of fun.


  1. Confidence in oneself as a learner is often an evolving process. As you will learn in your ed psych class, there are many strategies that you will employ as a teacher that can be helpful in your graduate studies. It is easy to get overwhelmed. I often have to read and re-read passages in my texts. I need my assignments to be crystal clear. That said, it brings up the point that no two learners are alike, and understanding that is vital to teaching.

  2. I too chose having confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner as my hardest lifelong learning habit but for slightly different reasons. While you get frustrated learning and studying difficult material, I on the other hand in a sense give up before I even reach this point. I think we both need to realize that we are competent and effective learners or we would not have made it to graduate school! :)
