Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thing #19

      Social networking is a great way for teachers to better connect to students on a level they understand. By using social networking in their classrooms teachers can better help their students by having reminders about homework, additional help in their classroom, and reminders about homework and quizzes. By using social networking teachers can help their students more than ever before.
       Other than Facebook and Twitter I am a member of Pinterest but only use it occasionally. I did discover a few other social networking sites after reading thing 19 like GoodReads and a few others that sound really interesting to use. I also want to try out Classroom 2.0 Ning, TED, and Edmodo to see which would be better for use in the classroom. I never realized the different social networks out there than Facebook and Twitter so all these other options sound like a lot of fun to try out.

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