Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thing #20

I have always been a fan of Youtube and I use it for a lot of different things. I love being able to listen to my favorite music or to watch old tv shows and even to watch clips of different art techniques I want to learn about. I can pretty much learn about anything watching a youtube clip. But, even though I love the site there are aspects that can be difficult. You can lose some of your favorite videos if the person who created it deletes it even when you favorite the video or if Youtube thinks the music you used in a video was illegally obtained they will silence the video. I have also found that sometimes videos have some glitches and the volume can be too slow or freeze, etc. 
I chose the video to give an example of what I would use youtube for in in my classroom. There are numerous videos available for my art class as additional tools to explain a movement to my class or to further expand on a topic I'm teaching. I can also use the videos on different art making technique to give additional visuals to show how to use different art techniques to teach a concept. 

I decided on powtoon to use for future use in my classroom because it is a great site to show my students. Its a tool that allows someone to create animated video mashups easily. The site made this as simple as possible that even kids could do it. Its a great site and I could use it as a lesson to show them a lesson on digital art techniques or even as just a fun tool they could learn. Its a fun site to try.


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